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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Poverty and hardship in Alahwaz : Maryam Abdulhamid

We can define poverty as the deficiency in the basic necessities of life. In fact, and to make it simple enough to understand, we can say that poverty is lack of food, shelter, and not having a good healthcare system. Poverty is the inability to attend school, and failure to get a job. Powerlessness and suppression also relates to poverty in a way or another. In Al-Ahwaz, where a large number of its population is struggling to survive, poverty is frightful, common, long-lasting and destructive. 

Under the Iranian occupation and since 1925, Iranian national strategies are not relevant to poverty reduction and they even stress the upsurge of poverty in the Arab neighborhoods of Al-Ahwaz. Currently, in Al-Ahwaz, poverty is affecting more than 90% of the citizens. The Ahwazi community is suffering from the extreme need of necessities of life, and it has been seen obvious in every corner of major streets of the capital city of Al-Ahwaz and the surrounding towns and villages. In every corner of the streets of Al-Ahwaz, the elderly is begging for money, the young generations are jobless, and children are selling cigarettes and gums. The sick person can’t afford seeing the doctor, and children can’t afford attending school, this is if there was a school in their district.
The condition of houses, buildings, schools, shopping centers etc., is not better than the standard of living in Alahwaz. All cities and villages in Al ahwaz are neglected, nothing is renovated.  Alahwaz is known for being the hottest area during the hot summer days, but usually winter is very short, and it would pass by without causing natural disasters.  Even though Alahwaz is not known as a land of disasters, little rain could cause floods in the streets affecting poor and rich areas.  Many of us have noticed the pictures of flooded streets in many areas in Alahwaz, even in richest areas, (let alone the damaged poor areas which became worse after the rain and flood) on Ahwazi websites, personal weblogs and social pages such as YouTube and Facebook, reflecting the flood that hit Alahwaz in November, 2012  . By all being said, I want to draw the attention of all individuals concerned about the health and wellness of citizens living in Alahwaz. I have pasted a picture of the flooded area, as well as the original source, where you can find more pictures.    

         Maryam Abdulhamid

Monday, December 24, 2012

Saudi Arabia calls for ‘strong and solid’ Gulf union

The meeting will be chaired by Bahrain foreign minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa. (Courtesy: Bahrain News Agency)
The meeting will be chaired by Bahrain foreign
 minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.
Courtesy: Bahrain News Agency
Saudi Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz attending a Gulf Cooperation Summit in Bahrain on Monday expressed the kingdom’s hope for the declaration of a Gulf union.
Prince Salman said the kingdom aspires for a strong and solid union with shared defense and security systems.

Monday's meeting was chaired by Bahrain foreign minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, and attended by his counterparts from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The two-day meeting, on Dec. 24-25, will cover areas including “military cooperation, environmental protection and accelerating the steps leading to the economic unity,” Sheikh Khalifa told Qatari daily Al-Sharq.

An integrated economic unit for the GCC would be the main focus of the talks, the minister added.

A preparatory session before the two-day summit, presented a number of recommendations which stress that GCC decisions on economic agreements should soon be implemented.

Last week, Bahrain said an announcement over a union of the six member states would not be made at the summit.

A Gulf Union would supersede the existing GCC and bring member states even closer.

At the two-day summit, the 22-month-old Syria conflict is expected to also top the agenda.

In November, the six Gulf states recognized a newly-formed opposition bloc as the Syrian people's legitimate representative.

The GCC members -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- were the first to recognize the opposition coalition.

"The states of the council announce recognizing the National Coalition... as the legitimate representative of the brotherly Syrian people," GCC chief Abdullatif al-Zayani said.

He said the oil-rich bloc would support the coalition in the hope that "this will be a step towards a quick political transfer of power."

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hörmətli cənab Baş katib Ban Ki- Moon,
1813 və 1828-ci illərdə Qacar şahğılı (Məmalik məhrusə) və Çar
imperiyası arasında imzalanan Gülüstan və Türkmənçay müqavilələri nəticəsində zorla ikiyə bölünmüş Azərbaycanın böyük bir hissəsi (Güney Azərbaycan) iran adlanan ölkənin işğalı altındadır və  orada yaşayan 30 milyondan çox  azərbaycan türkü  illərdir ki, fars mərkəzli rejimlər tərəfindən asimilyasion və sömürgəçi siyasətə məruz qalmaqdadır.
1925-ci ildə Qacar şahlığının çevrilişi ilə hakilmiyyətə gələn, «vahid iran milləti» şüarı altında farslaşdırma siyasətinin bünövrəsini qoyan Pəhləvi hakimiyyətinin basqısı ilə Güney Azərbaycanda yaşayan azərbaycan türklərinin milli kimliyi danıldı, tarixi təhrif edildi, iqtisadiyyatı dağıdıldı, dili və kültürü yasaqlandı. Fars şovinizminə əsaslanan ayrıseçkilik siyasətinə qarşı mübarizə aparan azərbaycan türkləri şah rejiminin tətbiq etdiyi işgəncə və həbslərə baxmayaraq, Güney Azərbaycanda 12 dekabr 1945–ci ildə Seyid Cəfər Pişəvərinin başçılığı altında Azərbaycan Milli hökumətini qurmağa nail oldular. Azərbaycan Milli Hökumətinın fəaliyyət göstərdiyi 1 il ərzində azərbaycanlıların bir çox demokratik fərdi və ictimai hüquqları ilə yanaşı, ana dilində təhsilalma hüququ da təmin edildi, Pəhləvi rejimi tərəfindən farslaşdırılmış Azərbaycanın qədim tarixi yer adları bərpa olundu.
1946-cı il yanvarın 28-də Güney Azərbaycan Milli Hökumətinin banisi S.C.Pişəvəri  millətlərin öz müqəddəratını təyinetmə hüququna əsaslanaraq Azərbaycan Milli Hökumətinin BMT tərəfindən rəsmiyyətdə tanınması məqsədilə BMT Baş Assambleyasına müraciət etdi. Təəssüf ki, BMT Azərbaycan Milli Hökumətinin bu istəyini müzakirəyə çıxarmadan öncə Pəhləvi rejimi Güney Azərbaycan ərazisinə qoşun yürüdərək 10 minlərcə  azərbaycanlının ölümü ilə nəticələnən soyqırım törətdi, Azərbaycan Milli Hökumətini devirdi və Güney Azərbaycan ərazisini işğal etdi. Bununla kifayətlənməyən Pəhləvi sülaləsi iqtisadi, mədəni, elmi potensialı və coğrafi mövqeyinə görə aparıcı rola malik olan  Güney Azərbaycanı hərtərəfli tənəzzülə uğratdı.
Güney Azərbaycanda yaşayan azərbaycan türklərinə qarşı aparılan bu irqçi siyasət 1979–cu ildən hakimiyyətə gələn islami rejim tərəfindən də farsçılıq  əsasında  davam etdirilir. İranın Xarici İşlər naziri  Əli Əkbər Salehinin  Türkiyə səfəri zamanı etiraf etdiyi kimi, İranda əhalinin 40 % azərbaycan türkü olduğu halda, bu gün də orada Güney Azərbaycanın inzibati ərazi bölgüsünün  dəyişdirilməsi, süni ekoloji problemlər yaratmaqla azərbaycanlıların öz tarixi torpaqlarından  məqsədli şəkildə köçürülməsi planları (Urmu gölünün qurudulması), milli kimliyin inkar siyasəti ilə azərbaycan türklərinin assimilyasiona məruz qalmaları, ictimai-siyasi fəaliyyətlərə qarşı işgəncə və həbslər davam etdirilir.
Hörmətli cənab Ban Ki-Moon,
Güney Azərbaycanda 30 milyondan çox azərbaycan türkü milli-demokratik haqlar uğrunda milli azadlıq mübarizəsini davam etdirməkdədirlər. Güney Azərbaycan siyasi qüvvələri  BMT Baş Məclisinin 16 dekabr 1966-cı il tarixli  2200 A ( XXİ) saylı Qətnaməsi ilə qəbul olunmuş “İqtisadi, sosial və mədəni hüquqlar haqqında” beynalxalq  pakta əsasən,  BMT-nin nəzarəti ilə Güney Azərbaycanın tarixi ərazisində azərbaycan türklərinin iştirakı ilə Referendumun keçirilməsini tələb edir və bu məsələnin  BMT-yə üvz dövlətlərin  gündəliyinə çıxarılacağına ümid edirlər.  İnanırıq ki,  təcavüzə məruz qalmış 30 milyondan çox bir millətin milli, siyasi, mədəni hüquqlarının tanınması və bəşəriyyətin tərəqqisinə xidmət edəcək bir milli-demokratik dövlətdə yaşamaq istəyi dünya dövlətləri tərəfindən dəstəklənəcək.


1-         Azərbaycan Milli  Demokartik  Birliyi (Birlik)
2-         Azərbaycan Milli Dirəniş Təşkilatı (AMDT)
3-         Azərbaycan Sosiyal Demokrat partisi(ASDP)
4-         Güney Azərbaycan Demokrat partisi (GADP)
5-         Güney  Azərbaycan İstiqlal partisi (GAİP)
6-         Güney azərbaycan Liberal Demokrat Partisi (GALDP)
7-         Güney Azərbaycan  Milli  Azadliq Cəbhəsi (GAMAC)
8-         Güney Azərbaycan  Milli Oyanış Hərəkatı(GAMOH)
9-         Güney Azərbaycan  Qurtuluş partisi
11 dekabr 2012 (21 azər 1391)

Müraciətə bir sıra fotoşəkillər əlavə olunub.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Women behind the scene by: maryam nazari

A friend of mine discussed the role of women in the history,
which made me think about this topic.

Women play a critical role in all aspects of our life. We notice the women’s significant role in shaping the society. With the changes which are taking place in the 20s century, we see women progress all around the world. Their role as successful housewives does not stop them from getting positions in the government, industry, politics, and education … As we have seen women hold higher positions in the political field, and they are known for their higher skills as political leaders.
How about women in Ahwaz, the Arabian oppressed nation? Do we see any equality, similar to the neighboring countries? The answer would be no, unfortunately women and men and children in Ahwaz are suffering from inequality, discrimination, and so much more. Women have fought for their right in many countries including the developed countries. Women in Ahwaz did not get the attention they deserve, as of the time our land got occupied until now; women have been the victims of local and national violence. As every woman in the history defended her territory, home, family and country; Ahwazian women did their best to support the revolution against the Iranian regime. As a mother, sister or wife they supported their sons, brothers, fathers to continue this process of liberation from the Iranian regime. They have also been the innocent prisoners that struggled to fight for their right for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, their rights to education, and rights to pursue a happy life.
My last words for all men and women in Ahwaz who endangered their life fight for recognition, to share an image, deliver information or spread news; and also for individuals who take from their precious time to do something for our country “my words would not be enough to appreciate your efforts”.

Iranian government attends to end the school year earlier to prevent protests during the election

Our reliable sources of ADPF’s media center from the inside of Ahwaz has reported that the Persian occupation authorities has dispatched urgent confidential orders to all the Ministry of
Supreme Education and all school organizations in the country,
especially in Ahwaz, for the preparation to conduct so-called presidential elections in Iran, that ends the school year earlier than usual.
 This procedure aims to control the tense situation in Iran because of the economic and political crises in the country. As a result of the racial governing policies of the fascist regime towards the non-Persian peoples in Iran, the government fears the protests of people might destabilize the security inside the country and its political situation.
The presidential elections held in 2009 and the protests that followed the fraud result of the election, and the arrival of Ahmadinejad to the presidency, are the reasons why they are attending strict procedures such as ending the school year earlier, to prevent any protests or demonstrations.

The Ahwazi beloved poet, Sattar Sayahi’s mysterious death

With great sadness and sorrow we received the news of the
death of the Ahwazi beloved poet Sattar Sayahi (Abu Surour) on Sunday November 11th 2012. 

Our sources indicated that before Sattar’s mysterious death the Iranian Intelligences has interrogated him a few times, threatening him that if he continues his activity for Ahwaz’s cause, he will end up dead.
Every person who knows poet “Abu Surour” was well aware of his patriotism which carried him to devote his life to Ahwaz’s cause and supporting it. Therefore there are accusations to the Iranian occupying authorities as of an orchestrated assassination of the deceased poet (Abu Surour), so we demand an investigation in this matter until the truth is revealed.
We in the Ahwazi Democratic Popular-Front, and on behalf of all the staff of the front, offer our condolences to the Arab people of Ahwaz and to the deceased Poet’s family and his relatives and friends, asking God Almighty to accept his innocent soul with mercy and place him where he belongs in the eternal lands of peace in heavens.

Ahwaz ranked first in unemployment and deprivation

The official news agency "Khaneh Mellat" subordinated by the
Iranian Parliament, in a public gathering held on Sunday 11th of November 2012 in Tehran,

Salehi Nasab, the Deputy of the occupying Persian Parliament in Alkhafajieh admitted that Iran income is 85 percent of extracting oil and gas from Ahwazi lands but still Ahwaz suffers from unemployment and deprivation.
He added that occupied Ahwaz has been ranked as the first in the Iranian chart of unemployment and deprivation although it produces 85 percent of the government income from extracting the oil, gas and more than 12 million tons of agricultural products annually. Salehi Nasab demanded the Iranian authorities to reconsider the situation of Ahwaz and attempt to find employment opportunities for young people there.
It is worth noting that every year a number of 12 million ton of agricultural products are extracted from Ahwazi lands, not to mention the oil and gas extraction from its territory, but the Iranian government is still enforces its colonial and aggressive policies over the Ahwazi Arab people displacing them into the Persian territories, pursuing the change of the demography of Ahwaz.