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Friday, February 20, 2015

The Front of Nations for Self-determination calls for demonstration in London

For several days that thousands of Ahwazi Arab people have gathered in front of Ahwaz Governor
office in Ahwaz’s capital demanding rapid actions to cope with the toxic dust storm that has currently crippled lives of the Ahwazi people.
The mass arrests have been carried out immediately after half hour of the start of the protest while protesters raised banners and have begun chanting slogans condemning the criminal policies of Iranian government.

Also 22 of February each year Marks the International Mother Language Day and non-Persian Nations in geographical so-called IRAN are struggling to preserve their mother language by banning it from teaching in universities and schools, which has become influenced by an occupation government.
The article 15 of Iranian Constitution stresses that all non-Persian nations “Ahwazi Arab, South Azerbaijan, Balouch, South Turkmenistan and Kurdistan” to study by their mother language. However, the article remained just written and inactive for last four decades. This shows how Iranian government has used all methods in violation of the international covenants, which calls for allowing the people to exercise rituals and maintain its identity.
For this reasons the Front of Nations for Self-determination (FNFSD), which consists of organizations and parties, belonging to these peoples calls all freedom and humanity organizations and the non-Persian peoples in exile to participate in demonstration in solidarity with Ahwazis internal mobility and international mother language day that is going to be held on 22 February.
As non-Persian Nation in artificial country called Iran we condemn Iranian apartheid regime in banning all other non-Persian nations mother languages.

 Sunday, 22 February
Opposite number 10 Downing Street
Ahwazi Democratic Popular Front

 The Front of Nations for Self-determination is an association of national parties and organizations of oppressed nations in Iran such as “ Ahwazi Arab, South Azerbaijan, Balouch, South Turkmenistan and Kurdistan” with reference to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, working to end the injustice of national, political, social, economic and cultural, due to successive movements of peoples who fight for the right to self-determination.

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